Following are the 10 study tips in hindi which will help you to focus on your studies. 10 study tips for 2017 1.) Right Time Table: It is very important to know how to make right time table for study as this will lead to right time management for your studies ensuring better concentration. Instead of setting big targets, start with smaller targets. Do not sit for long hours initially if you are unable to concentrate. Sit for shorter durations and increase your concentration time span day by day. Also, every individual has a peak concentration time, it can be morning, evening, noon or night. You need to find your peak concentration time and make your study time table accordingly. 2.) Proper sleep for Students: Do you know how much sleep you need? Though it varies from body to body, but on an average a student should sleep for 7-8 hours. This will help you to concentrate while studying. 3.) Stress: Do not take stress of exams, stress of college or school. Do not let exam fear...